(2023/2024) Afe Babalola university Ado-Ekiti (Transfer/Direct Entry) Form


    Date : October 3, 2023
    Location : ADO-EKITI

    (2023/2024) Afe Babalola university Ado-Ekiti (Transfer/Direct Entry) Form is out_07044935866 Dr.Mrs. AFO:AYAN R.A} to register 07044935866}, Also Jupeb,Direct-Entry form, Pre degree form, Transfer form 07044935866} Part Time form, Post-Graduate Diploma form, Masters form, Remedial form and Sandwich form is still out on sale call 09078816209 Dr.Mrs. AFOLAYAN R.A } for more details on how to purchase the form and register online before the closing date.

    Mention Otutu Online Shopping in Nigeria when calling seller to get a good deal


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    1. Do not send any prepayment
    2. Meet with the seller at a safe public place during the day
    3. Inspect what you are going to buy to make sure it is what you need
    4. Check all the docs and only pay if you are satisfied