Chivita Chivita Active – Power Of 6 Citrus Fruits (1LTR X 10 PCS)


    Date : December 25, 2019
    Location : Katsina, Nigeria

    Chivita Active 6 Citrus

    Contains the power of 6 Citrus fruits – orange, lemon, mandarine, grapefruit, tangerine and lime – with added Vitamin C to help keep up your active lifestyle.

    NUTRITIONAL FACTSChivita Active is designed to satisfy your every day need to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

    For the first time in Nigeria, you can drink the goodness of Vegetables with the lip smacking goodness of fruits. Chivita Active Vegetable Fruit Nectar is a healthy and tasty way to get the regular dose of antioxidants and stamina.

    The Power of 6 Citrus is your reliable source of vitamin C that helps to boost your immune system, as it contains not just one, but six citrus fruits.

    Enjoy the Active Side of Life!

    SPORTS & ADVENTURESIX WAYS TO KEEP FIT AT WORKAre you in front of a computer all day long? Does your packed schedule leave little time for a workout? There are ways to squeeze in some exercise to get your body in top form even while in the office.

    Don’t use the elevator. By taking the stairs, you can easily get your muscles moving, not to mention burn a lot of calories. It’s an inexpensive way to get fit; I actually know someone who uses the stairs to get all the way up to her 16th floor office to lose weight.

    Get moving. Why not get water from the farthest dispenser or use the photocopier on the other side of the office? Got to talk to a colleague? Visit his/her cubicle instead of calling her on the intercom.

    Sit and stretch. Can’t leave your desk? Do some stretching exercises to relieve yourself of that stiff feeling:

    Lift that weight. Get your hands on two reams of A4 paper and use these as you would a pair of dumbbells.

    Leg up. Do leg lifts while talking on the phone.

    Out to lunch. Go out for a brisk walk instead of driving a car during your lunch break.

    Don’t forget, keeping fit allows you to perform your job better.

    Mention Otutu Online Shopping in Nigeria when calling seller to get a good deal


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