S.O.N, University College Hospital, Ibadan screening form FOR 2023/2024 is out c


    Date : October 23, 2023
    Location : IBADAN

    S.O.N, University College Hospital, Ibadan screening form FOR 2023/2024 is out call 09078816209.BASIC MIDWIFERY/POST BASIC MIDWIFERY/BASIC NURSING OR GENERAL NURSING/POST BASIC NURSING/CRITICAL CARE NURSING/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING/ANAESTHETIC NURSING/NEUROPSYCHIATRIC NURSING/PSYCHIATRIC NURSING/OPTHALMIC NURSING/PAEDIATRIC NURSING/ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY NURSING/NEPHROLOGY NURSING FORMS ARE OUT AND AVAILABLE FOR SALE CALL /09078816209/.The school of nursing admission application form/ portal is open to all qualified applicants irrespectively of color, race,ethnic identity, religion, gender or national origin. Both indigenes and non indigenes interested applicants can apply for the nursing school application form 2023/2024 provided he/she meet the school management admission entry requirements. application forms can be obtained from official school of nursing helpline +23490_788_162_09. MOREOVER INTERNSHIP/HOUSEMANSHIP JOBS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE TO OBTAIN THE FORMS CONTACT OFFICE OF OF THE ADMIN @_+2349078816209

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